Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Springing Forward

A partial view of the garden
 (minus the berry bushes, asparagus patch, & second garlic bed)
 as seen from the front porch.

I am so looking forward to daylight savings time starting this weekend.  This winter has been cozy and nourishing and a provider of many new learned skills that I am excited to take with me into the rest of my homesteading journey.  We installed, and learned to efficiently use our woodstove as our sole source of heat this winter.  We started our first batch of homebrew.  We built seed-starting shelves and have been using them extensively to get a head start on our garden.  There have been several births here in the cove, as well as a few deaths.  

But the promise of longer days, warmer temps, and all the plans we have for this upcoming growing season, have me sooo excited! Already these next seven days, the highs are between the mid fifties and low sixties.  I know Spring doesn't officially start until the Spring equinox on the 20th, but the start of daylight savings time is my unofficial starting gun for all he projects I have planned for my favorite season.

Here is my list (in case you are dying to know ;-)
New baby chicks arriving on April 3rd, including a Rooster for our flock.  More raspbery bushes planted alongside our blackberry bushes (ie. lots of cobblers made in my new dutch oven).  Strawberries moved to bed next to asparagus, to free up an extra bed in the main garden for More Veggies! (I am thinking something large and unruly like Candy Roaster Squash, or perhaps watermelon).  Put up fencing on the back 1/4 acre with electric for chickens and future goat babies!  Make a more permanent fence around the main garden, with a gate and an arbor (for growing hops on) using natural material from our property.  Expand the garden by two more raised beds for herbs and medicinals.  Plant perenial flowers and blueberry bushes along outside of garden fence.... Peonies, Poppys, Black-eyed Susans are first on the list :-)  Begin splitting the chicken shed in half, so goats can have one half and chickens the other.  Also starting a covered hay manger for future goats :-)  Prune the old apple tree near the garden so it will produce more this year.  And plant more fruit trees on property (this is all I am asking for, for my birthday this year)...good thing my birthday is the Perfect time to plant new tree saplings in our area!  I am hoping to get another apple that will cross polinate with our current apple tree, a couple cherry trees (Matt LOVES tart cherry pie), and maybe another peach, though we already have one and I may wait to see how much that produces.

I am sure there is more, but that is all I can think of right now.  I find that putting plans and dreams into writing GREATLY improves the likeliness of them coming to fruition.  Plus I have a thing about lists :-)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

First Batch

I tried my hand at using our new home brew kit to make our first batch of beer while Matt was at 
work yesturday. Annie was quite helpful, she was on spill patrol and immediately "cleaned up" anything that hit the floor.  Good dog.  She does not particularly care for hops.

I think it went fairly well, despite setting the stove on fire for a minute (did you know you are supposed to actually clean out the gunk that gathers under the burners periodically?) Teachable moment. 

As we speak it is fermenting away near the record player.  Maybe good tunes while fermenting makes better beer!  The airlock is already bubbling away so that is a good sign.  Will report back on this batch's success in a few weeks.  Oh, and it is an 'Alpine Ale'.

Annie, keeping an eye on the brew bucket.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ice Storm

Ice storm coated everything in ice last night.  Our bamboo stand is lookin pretty saggy with all the extra weight.  Matt woke up to go to work this morning and then found out his school had a two hour delay... Score! ... Got to climb back into bed for a sleep in :-).   I think Annie and I will roll up to Tractor Supply to oogle the baby chicks there and get her a bag of food, then back home to brew a batch of beer.  A good rainy-ice day activity.  I will report back how it goes.

This is what Moose is choosing to do on his rainy-ice day.

Monday, February 25, 2013

New Chicks On The Way!

Just put in our spring chick order!  We have had a few losses this year from predation (hawks and bears) as well as some bad luck, so we are adding two new hens and a ROOSTER (!) to our flock this spring.  The hens consist of a heritage breed called a Dominique (we have had these before and LOVE their friendly personalities and consistent egg-laying) as well as a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte.  This is a relatively rare but BEAUTIFUL breed of chicken, which we had one of last spring, but lost early on to an unfortunate accident.  She was the friendliest chick of the bunch and would fly up to perch on your lap or shoulder, preferring to hang out with people instead of her fellow chicks.  We are excited to add these two breeds back to our flock.

Dominique Hen
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Hen

The rooster I am particularly excited about. We have not had a rooster on the homestead for almost a year, since the demise of our brave Jed who perished protecting his ladies from a black bear.  I am hoping for a roo who is a bit more human-friendly this go around.  We have chosen a Blue Cochin this time.  They are supposedly gentle, feather-footed, giants who will hopefully be kind and a good protector to our ladies.

Blue Cochin Rooster

Homestead Update

Sorry for the long delays with new posts. Life sometimes gets in the way and I become distracted.
Currently the garden is the main focus... Getting seedlings started and ready to go under the hoop or into other beds in the garden.

The Broccoli, Onions, Bok Choy, and Kale are ready to be hardened off over the next week and then transplanted into the Hoop House.

The Tomatoes and Peppers are doing well, but it will be a while longer before they can go outside.

Herbs are started and beginning to pop up.

We still are using the woodstove most nights, but spring is in the air!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2 Piggies need a home!

These two precious babies are 6 weeks old and ready for new homes!  If you or someone you know, in the Asheville area are looking to add a little buddy to their life, look no further!  Please please let me know if you want one or both (small rehoming fee).  

P.S.   They are both boys :-)